Effective Marketing Strategies for Budget-Conscious Utilities

Marketers across all industries face the ongoing challenge of managing marketing initiatives with a conscious budget. For utilities, this challenge often means a lack of time and bandwidth, technology restraints, competing priorities and more. However, utilities can still make a significant marketing impact by strategically addressing these challenges. With careful planning and innovative approaches, utilities

The Power of Content Marketing for Utility Communications

Imagine Sarah, a busy homeowner, looking at her latest utility bill. The page is a maze of numbers and technical jargon, leaving her frustrated and disconnected. “There must be a better way to understand my energy use,” she sighs, tossing the bill aside. Sarah’s experience highlights a common shortcoming in traditional brand communication. Historically, brands

Best Practices: Customer Segmentation for Water Utilities

Every customer is different, so a single approach to connecting just won’t work. Customers want to see messages that align with their needs, interests and preferences and, simply stated, don’t want to be inundated with messages that don’t. In fact, according to Campaign Monitor, 74% of consumers get frustrated when content is not aligned with

Illustration showing municipal community engagement phone messages.

Best Practices in Building Community Engagement: Social Media Examples

Municipal utilities deliver necessary services like electricity, water, sanitation and gas to customers across their service territories. For these utilities, building a strong bond with customers is not only important but necessary. Highly engaged customers tend to be more satisfied with services, more likely to participate in programs and exhibit greater brand loyalty. Fostering this

Illustration showing how water utilities can build stronger customer relationships

Webinar: How Water Utilities are Building Stronger Customer Relationships

Water is an essential part of everyone’s lives. However, many customers don’t think about their water utility until they receive a bill or experience a service disruption. It’s up to your utility to connect with customers beyond these potentially negative touchpoints to build lasting and positive relationships. Questline Digital’s recent webinar “Water Utilities: Building Stronger