Illustration of water utility communication plan for service interruptions

How to Communicate a Planned Water Interruption

For water utilities, ensuring a constant supply of clean and safe water is paramount. However, maintenance, repairs and unforeseen circumstances can lead to temporary water interruptions. These planned interruptions, while necessary, can often cause significant inconvenience to customers. Therefore, it’s crucial that water utilities implement an effective water utility communication plan to notify customers and

Illustration of Facebook tips for municipal utilities to connect with customers on social media

Facebook Social Media Best Practices + Examples for Municipal Utilities

Customers are increasingly using social media and mobile apps to engage with businesses and services, including their utility. That’s why it’s so important for municipal utilities to build robust social media strategies. To boost community engagement and connect with customers, social media is easily one of the strongest tools in your marketing arsenal. From our

Illustration of best practices for municipal utilities to engage with public power customers

Best Practices for Engaging with Municipal Customers

Engaging with municipal utility customers requires a multifaceted strategic plan and a deep understanding of community needs. Municipal utilities play a critical role in providing essential services such as water, electricity, natural gas and sanitation to residential and business customers. Establishing effective communication channels and engagement strategies is imperative for municipal utilities to address customer

Illustration for advice article covering facts about water conservation

Helping Customers Understand the Benefits of Conserving Water

Water is the most important natural resource, yet many customers are unaware of the benefits of conserving it. Over the past two decades, more than 50% of the United States regularly experienced drought conditions due to the water supply running low. As water conservation concerns grow, now is the time for water utilities to connect

Illustration showing how utilities can support customers through financial hardship

Webinar: Supporting Utility Customers Through Financial Hardship

As utility customers face unprecedented financial challenges, they need more from their utility providers than just energy or water. They need understanding, empathy and practical assistance. Questline Digital’s recent webinar, “Supporting Utility Customers Through Financial Hardship,” provided valuable insight from Joe Pifher, Creative Director at Questline Digital, and Jill Vohr, Director of ENERGY STAR Product